Forensic Neurologist & Medical Expert Witness

15 Years Experience, 250+ Cases, 85+ Court Appearances

Committed to unbiased and comprehensive neurological assessments and evaluations based on scientific and data-driven facts/objective findings: comprehensive mental and physical examinations, imaging studies, (quantitative and qualitative MRI, fMRI, PET and SPECT scans), laboratory and neurophysiological studies for litigation support and expert testimony since 2006.

Neuroscience Practice Institute (NPI) offers a broad range of neurological expertise and legal counsel experience, covering the gamut from common neurological conditions to rare and complex diseases to multifactorial disorders affecting the central nervous system.

NPI testifies in personal injury, malpractice, state and federal criminal cases, with experience in cases ranging from the sequelae of trauma to the brain and spine, to iatrogenic wrongful death, to capital mitigation, and has a quantifiably proven track record with 85+ court appearances to date.

At Neuroscience Practice Institute, we strictly utilize the most cutting-edge, trusted and objective resources to provide the court a rigorous assessment and summary of your client’s issues, e.g. MRI Brain quantitative volumetrics via NeuroQuant, serum and CSF laboratory evaluations of congenital and acquired intellectual and behavioral disabilities, unbiased neurophysiological studies (EEG, polysomnography, evoked potentials) and a unique, quantitative approach to record review.


Contact Us


Phone: (561) 990-7957

Fax: (561) 922-7077

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Criminal and Civil Proceedings

Medical Record Review

Comprehensive History

Physical Examinations

Clear & Persuasive Jury & Bench Trial Presentations

Practice Areas

Criminal Cases

  • Traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative disorders Genetic, idiopathic & acquired neurodegenerative disorders

  • Neurodevelopmental disorders (genetic, congenital, acquired)

  • Acquired & genetic dysmorphisms

  • Post-partum toxic & infectious exposures: chemical epilepsy syndromes: inter-ictal & Post-ictal Behavioral States

  • Autoimmune diseases (central nervous system)

  • Arachnoid cysts & other benign central nervous system lesions

  • Malignant lesions (central nervous system)


  • Surgical Interventions with Suboptimal Neurological Outcomes

  • Medical Treatment Plans and Prescriptions

    • Iatrogenic Mania

    • Iatrogenic Delirium

  • Unauthorized/Inappropriate Medical Procedures

Personal Injury

  • Short & Long-Term Disability Prognosis
    Traumatic Brain Injury

  • Traumatic Spine & Peripheral Nerve Injury


  • Certified Florida forensic examiner

  • Perform CCAP's: Clinical Competency Assessment

    (FL Statute Number 775.027) NGIND (Not guilty due to Irreversible Neurological Deficits) not NGI (Not guilty due to Insanity).

Worker’s Compensation

  • 15+ years of experience, objective assessment, confirmable conclusions

Forensic Neurology in Latest Research & News

MRI Brain Quantitative Volumetric Analysis: NeuroQuant & NeuroGage

  • Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Quantitative MRI Volumetry in Detection of Hippocampal Atrophy.”  [2012].

  • NeuroQuant: Man versus Machine Part 1.  “Man Versus Machine: Comparison of Radiologists’ Interpretations and NeuroQuant® Volumetric Analyses of Brain MRIs in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury” [2013].

  • NeuroQuant: Man versus Machine Part 2.  “Man Versus Machine Part 2: Comparison of Radiologists' Interpretations and NeuroQuant Measures of Brain Asymmetry and Progressive Atrophy in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury” [2015].

  • Translational MRI volumetry with NeuroQuant: Effects of version and normative data on relationships with memory performance in healthy older adults and patients with mild cognitive impairment” [2018].

 Epilepsy and EEG

Get in Touch

Reach out for a free initial phone consultation to discuss how forensic neurology can assist your case.